The soft touch film is a decorative PVC film with a special surface treatment, which is delicate and silky like silk. The soft touch is suitable for home design with simple style; it is characterized by novel style, rich color and stable color. It can be applied in many ways, such as using vacuum press technology or using flat lamination technology. It has impressive flexibility and mechanical characteristics, and can be adapted to the intended use.
Iarrtasan: Àirneis, dorsan a-staigh, caibineatan cidsin, caibineatan seòmar-ionnlaid.
Stuth: PVC
Seòrsa giullachd: Clò-bhualadh falamh, lamination còmhnard
Feartan: Seasmhachd stain, Neart meacanaigeach, Malleable
Uachdar: MDF, MLB, bòrd-sgiobalta.Bòrd foam
Tighead: 0.18mm, 0.25mm, 0.30mm, 0.35mm
Leud: 1400mm
Fad rolla: 100 meatairean sreathach
MOQ 1000m

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